Code Lesen und Verstehen

Das meiste, was hier empfohlen wird, um Code besser zu verstehen ist offensichtlich und bekannt. Trotzdem nett, das mal in einer Liste zu sehen.

Insbesondere lässt es mich wünschen, es gäbe ein Tool, das Code grafisch aufbereitet, so dass eine Visualisierung entsteht, die sowohl hübsch aussieht, als auch tatsächlich beim Verständnis hilft.

However, most of us have to read lots of code that does not meet the above standards. What are the best ways to make sense out of those huge, unstructured, maintained-by-dozens-of-people, internally-inconsistent, undocumented code bases that we must understand and absorb?

Tips For Reading Code (on C2)

The religious, astrological, psychological, aromatic and hygienic aspects of credit cards

Jay MacDonald is a professional writer and frequent contributor to His off-the-beaten-path feature stories explore the religious, astrological, psychological, aromatic and hygienic aspects of credit cards as well as their cultural significance in film, fashion and popular song. His one-on-one interviews include TV stars, a hip-hop mogul, bestselling authors, a championship boxer, an etiquette expert, a secret agent and a meteor hunter. Of course he lives in Florida.

Read his “Can police really trace a phone call in 60 (but not 59) seconds?”

Give Up Everything You Create

Most developers think that the work they do at work belongs to their employer, but anything they work on at home or on their own time is theirs. This is wrong enough to be dangerous.

For legal reasons, tech companies need to own everything that their employees create, even in their own time.

Developer’s Side Projects by Joel Spolsky

Computers Have Accents,too

Southerns have an accent. New Jerseyans have an accent. British have an accent. Can’t computers have an accent, too?

rckclmbr about Amazon’s new speech synthesis web service, which has a distinctly robotic voice.

Datenchaos Daten inkl IBAN,Telefon,etc. wurden erhackt. Bei einer kostenlosen Hotline kann man erfragen, ob eigene Kontodaten betroffen sind. Was ist die Lösung? Datenchaos! Why act like a fool when you can really be one? Macht euch genau so viele Bankkonten, Email-Accounts, Pseudonyme, etc., dass ihr gerade noch selber den Überblick behaltet (je 5). Benutzt Whatsapp, Facebook, IRC, Telegram, Signal und alles durcheinander, jeweils unter verschiedenen Benutzernamen. Gebt eure alten Telefonnummern an Freunde weiter, wenn ihr sie nicht mehr braucht.

Forrest Housing

Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) is a pair of residential towers in the Porta Nuova district of Milan, Italy. It is called Bosco Verticale because each tower houses trees between three and six meters which help mitigate smog and produce oxygen. It is also used to moderate temperatures in the building in the winter and summer. The plants also attenuate noise. The design was tested in a wind tunnel to ensure the trees would not topple from gusts of wind. Botanists and horticulturalists were consulted by the engineering team to ensure that the structure could bear the load imposed by the plants.


There’s a design pattern* associated with balconies, and the vast majority of apartment complexes make them so small they are useless, and in some cases they make the space even less accessible. It looks like they got the proportions right, but i wonder if it feels crowded.

– ILikeSmug

Plants are watered fully automatically.

Even more impressive is the fact that the construction of the towers cost just five percent more than an average skyscraper, and the project’s vertical design provides space that is equal to an area of sprawl measuring 538,200 square feet.

Architectural perspective at inhabitat

You can book it on AirBNB for $185 a night.

Eternal Fascism

Fascism became an all-purpose term because one can eliminate from a fascist regime one or more features, and it will still be recognizable as fascist. […] I think it is possible to outline a list of features that are typical of what I would like to call Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism. […]

Umberto Eco: Ur-Fascism

The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements. […] Both Fascists and Nazis worshiped technology, while traditionalist thinkers usually reject it as a negation of traditional spiritual values. However, even though Nazism was proud of its industrial achievements, its praise of modernism was only the surface of an ideology based upon Blood and Earth (Blut und Boden).

The rejection of the modern world was disguised as a rebuttal of the capitalistic way of life, but it mainly concerned the rejection of the Spirit of 1789 (and of 1776, of course). The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.

Ebenso Eco


Schöne, gerade abgeschnittene Scheiben Brot.
Keine Krumen an der Kante, ein glatter, geschliffener Schnitt. Nicht so dünn, dass beim Butter streichen die Löcher kommen und nicht so dick, dass man beim Zeitung lesen merkt, dass man kräftig kauen muss.
Keine schiefe Kante,
keine Auswölbung
und keine abgebrochene Ecke.

Nur eine schöne, gerade abgeschnittene Scheibe Brot.

Dazu auch Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease by Paola Bressan and Peter Kramer:

Perhaps because gastroenterology, immunology, toxicology, and the nutrition and agricultural sciences are outside of their competence and responsibility, psychologists and psychiatrists typically fail to appreciate the impact that food can have on their patients’ condition. Here we attempt to help correct this situation by reviewing, in non-technical, plain English, how cereal grains—the world’s most abundant food source—can affect human behavior and mental health.

We present the implications for the psychological sciences of the findings that, in all of us, bread (1) makes the gut more permeable and can thus encourage the migration of food particles to sites where they are not expected, prompting the immune system to attack both these particles and brain-relevant substances that resemble them, and (2) releases opioid-like compounds, capable of causing mental derangement if they make it to the brain.

A grain-free diet, although difficult to maintain (especially for those that need it the most), could improve the mental health of many and be a complete cure for others.

Und die Zeit:

„Das Geheimnis des ‚Brotes, das tötet und wahnsinnig macht‘, ist gelöst. Nach dem Befund von Professor Olivier vom Polizeilaboratorium in Marseille sind die Massenerkrankungen… einwandfrei auf die Verunreinigung von Brotmehl durch Mutterkorn zurückzuführen.“

So einfach, wie die Zeitungen Ende August 1951 meinten, war das Grauenhafte, der Wahnsinn, der fast ein ganzes Städtchen befallen hatte, freilich nicht zu erklären.

The Secret Rules of the Internet

Professional online content moderation has more power over the boundaries of free speech “than any Supreme Court justice, any king or any president”. With online media as the people’s well of information, “whether online content stays or goes has the power to shape movements and revolutions, as well as the sweeping policy reforms and cultural shifts they spawn.”. Yet, nobody is watching, moderation happens in silence.